Novas ocorrências de angiospermas para o estado de Roraima, Brasil
This work reports new records of angiosperms to Roraima from two conservation units in the southwest of the state, the Serra da Mocidade National Park and Niquiá Ecological Station.
Artigos científicos, livros (e capítulos), conjuntos de dados e afins.
Written by R.O. Perdiz
This work reports new records of angiosperms to Roraima from two conservation units in the southwest of the state, the Serra da Mocidade National Park and Niquiá Ecological Station.
The aim of this study was to estimate the decomposition rate of coarse woody debris (CWD) in two oligotrophic undisturbed forest formations of the northern Brazilian Amazon: seasonally flooded and unflooded.
Populations of P. oligolepis were found in two previously unknown areas, occurring on granitic rock outcrops inside a vegetation mosaic of seasonal forests and savannas.
The floristic account of the Clethraceae from Bahia State, Brazil, is presented.
An updated inventory of Brazilian seed plants is presented and offers important insights into the country’s biodiversity.