Tree species composition of natural forest islands in a savanna matrix in the northern Brazilian Amazonia.
Forest inventory carried out in 12 forest islands scattered in the large savanna matrix of Roraima, northern Brazilian Amazon.
Artigos científicos, livros (e capítulos), conjuntos de dados e afins.
Written by R.O. Perdiz
Forest inventory carried out in 12 forest islands scattered in the large savanna matrix of Roraima, northern Brazilian Amazon.
Amescla-chumbinho Protium glaziovii has most recently been assessed for The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species in 2019. Protium glaziovii is listed as Endangered under criteria B2ab(ii,iii).
Amended description of the species Acmanthera minima and A. parviflora; a key to all species of the genus Acmanthera; new records and range extension for Acmanthera latifolia and A. minima.
New records for Schoepfia clarkii collected from the lower Negro River basin in Brazil.
Forest inventory carried out in the research grid of the Research Program on Biodiversity (PPBio) located in the eastern Maracá Island, Roraima, northern Brazilian Amazonia.