Rediscovery of 𝘗𝘪𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘰𝘤𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘶𝘴 𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘱𝘴𝘪𝘴 (Cactaceae) in the state of Roraima, Brazil

By Pamela Lavor, Ricardo Oliveira Perdiz, Leonardo Melo Versieux & Alice Calvente in Research Pesquisa

May 1, 2016


Pilosocereus oligolepis is a species of Cactaceae that is known only from three old type collections in Brazil (Roraima state) and Guyana. It is the only species of this genus to occur in northern Brazil. Due to the paucity of specimens and lack of precise locality data we undertook fieldwork in different vegetation types of Roraima aiming to find the species in the field. Populations of P. oligolepis were found in two previously unknown areas, occurring on granitic rock outcrops inside a vegetation mosaic of seasonal forests and savannas. Thus, it was possible to expand our knowledge of this species, increasing its occurrence and distributional data, as well as to provide pictures of the plants in their habitat and propose an updated conservation status.


Lavor P, Perdiz RO, Versieux LM, Calvente A (2016). “Rediscovery of \textit{Pilosocereus oligolepsis} (Cactaceae) in the state of Roraima, Brazil.” Cactus and Succulent Journal, 88(3), 137–-143. doi: 10.2985/015.088.0306 (URL:, <URL:>.

Formato .bib:

  author = {Pamela Lavor and Ricardo Oliveira Perdiz and Leonardo Melo Versieux and Alice Calvente},
  title = {{Rediscovery of \textit{Pilosocereus oligolepsis} (Cactaceae) in the state of Roraima, Brazil}},
  journal = {Cactus and Succulent Journal},
  year = {2016},
  volume = {88},
  number = {3},
  pages = {137–-143},
  abstract = {Pilosocereus oligolepis is a species of Cactaceae that is known only from three old type collections in Brazil (Roraima state) and Guyana. It is the only species of this genus to occur in northern Brazil. Due to the paucity of specimens and lack of precise locality data we undertook fieldwork in different vegetation types of Roraima aiming to find the species in the field. Populations of P. oligolepis were found in two previously unknown areas, occurring on granitic rock outcrops inside a vegetation mosaic of seasonal forests and savannas. Thus, it was possible to expand our knowledge of this species, increasing its occurrence and distributional data, as well as to provide pictures of the plants in their habitat and propose an updated conservation status.},
  doi = {10.2985/015.088.0306},
  url = {},
Posted on:
May 1, 2016
2 minute read, 340 words
Research Pesquisa
Cactaceae Cactoideae new record Pilosocereus Roraima
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