
Disentangling the veil line for Brazilian biodiversity: An overview from two long-term research programs reveals huge gaps in ecological data reporting

The lack of synthesized information regarding biodiversity is a major problem among researchers, leading to a pervasive cycle where ecologists make field campaigns to collect information that already exists and yet has not been made available for a broader audience. This problem leads to long-lasting effects in public policies such as spending money multiple times to conduct similar studies in the same area. We aim to identify this knowledge gap by synthesizing information available regarding two Brazilian long-term biodiversity programs and the metadata generated by them.

Two new genera and a new species of Anacardiaceae from northern South America

Cyrtocarpa is a generic name that has been applied to members of a complex of dry-habitat Neotropical taxa, but recent investigations have revealed that in fact this group represents three distinct genera. Tumultivenia and Uniostium, two new genera of Anacardiaceae-Spondioideae, are described and illustrated, as is one new species, Cyrtocarpa caribaea.

Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

We integrate ecological community metadata of 7,694 sampling sites for multiple organism groups in a machine learning model framework to map the research probability across the Brazilian Amazonia, while identifying the region’s vulnerability to environmental change.

Amazon tree dominance across forest strata

Here, we use a large floristic dataset to show that, while hyperdominance is a universal phenomenon across forest strata, different species dominate the forest understory, midstory and canopy.

Curso básico de introdução à linguagem R

Nossa meta é prover uma introdução básica da linguagem de programação R, que é extremamente poderosa para manipulação de dados, análises estatísticas, produção de gráficos e de documentos dinâmicos, e cujo domínio oferece um grande ganho de produtividade a todo cientista e facilita o entendimento de métodos analíticos. Ressaltamos que isto não é um curso de estatística.

As unidades de conservação e a preservação da diversidade biológica

Resumo Citação Perdiz RO (2014). “As Unidades de Conservação e a preservação da diversidade biológica.” In Flores AS, Rodrigues RS (eds.), Ensinando botânica nas florestas no sul do Estado de Roraima, 45–-48. UERR edicões, Boa Vista. ISBN 9788561924065. Formato .bib: @InCollection{Perdiz2014, author = {Ricardo Oliveira Perdiz}, title = {As Unidades de Conservação e a preservação da diversidade biológica}, booktitle = {Ensinando botânica nas florestas no sul do Estado de Roraima}, publisher = {UERR edicões}, year = {2014}, editor = {Andréia Silva Flores and Rodrigo Schütz Rodrigues}, pages = {45–-48}, address = {Boa Vista}, isbn = {9788561924065}, }